
疫情面前,苏州北美的外教这样说 | 北美人物

2020-02-20 本站 3996

In the past days of 2020, Wuhan has attracted the attention of the world.There are many foreign teachers who work in Suzhou, they choose to teach online and spend this extraordinary period with the students.



Rebecca  Kathryn Hall

Rebecca is from Ireland and is currently teaching from Belfast in Northern Ireland. She has been working at SNA for a year.


Rebecca was already abroad before the outbreak but she believes it’s important to be resilient when faced with challenges as big as the Corona Virus. Because of time difference, she is currently teaching from midnight to 9am, and has no choice but to use daylight hours to do class preparation.


She says: “I feel like I’m working 24 hours a day. It is very heavy going, but it is a small price to pay for freedom. Many Chinese have been at home for over two weeks and they are doing this to combat the spread of the virus. They are a true force of nature.”


Rebecca thinks that China will annihilate this virus within the coming months simply because of the amount people who are working overtime in hospitals, the complete public compliance, and the never-ending hope that the Chinese people have. 


The first thing she’ll do when things get better is to fly back to China and resume her life there.

For Rebecca, it is important to “Keep fighting and powering through, because we will beat this. Thank you for sacrificing your freedom to combat the spread of the virus.”



Jonathan David Cross

Jonathan is from England. He worked at SNA for 2 years and stayed in Suzhou for the Chinese New Year.Because of the current situation, all he had planned and booked was cancelled.


“ The biggest thing for me was deciding whether it is better to leave while you can, or just stay and wait it out. You just don’t know how long it is going to go on for. I’ve decided I’ll stay here now though.


Changes have definitely been a challenge for Jonathan.

“ Not being able to leave the campus and spending so much time in your room make you feel just trapped. It’s annoying not being able to move freely, but now I’ve adjusted and gotten used to it. I am getting used to teaching online, too – it definitely has its perks. But I really miss being in the classroom with the students and teaching that way! ”


“自我隔离,让我觉得自己被困住了。但现在我已经适应了。我也开始习惯在线教学了   ——它确实有它的优点。但是,我真的很怀念和学生们一起在教室里那样教书的传统方式!”

Jonathan thinks China has done a pretty good job at containing the virus.

“ I can’t imagine anywhere else doing much better really at implementing all these containment measures. They were able to get so many things to shut down to try to stop the virus spreading, putting people before the economy. I think like most people around the world, I’m pretty impressed at the speed of those hospitals being built so quickly! ”



When the virus is contained Jonathan just wants to enjoy the outdoors.

“The freedom just to cycle somewhere or even just go to the mall and eat out - all those little things that are so normal will feel great I’m sure.” 



He wants to cheer for China and all people in China.

“加油! Just do what you can to keep sane. We’ll get through this!”


“ 加油!尽你所能保持冷静。我们会挺过去的。”


Thomas Stuart Bailey

Thomas is from England and is currently teaching from his flat in Thailand. He has worked at SNA for 3 years.


Teaching online has been a surprisingly easy transition. He says:

“I’m actually really enjoying it, students are so far engaged and responsive and I’m saving a whole lot of paper. The use of new software and programs has also improved efficiency in a lot of ways – uploading files to standard places and organizing online meetings.”



But adjusting his daily life has been rather challenging. Tom is very confident in China resolving the issue efficiently.


Tom believe that everyone should pay attention to information being shared so as to avoid spreading rumours and other unreliable sources of information. He says:

“Be informed and caring in your response. Have trust that authorities and medical experts will act swiftly and appropriately.”



Krissy Victoria Linell Luke

Krissy is from Trinidad and Tobago. She’s been working at SNA for 3 years and came back to teach her students in spite of the outbreak.


She says she feels okay and safe in Suzhou.

“I felt confident that government and provincial bureaus were doing an excellent job maintaining order.”



Krissy feels the changes that the virus has forced upon her work and daily life are a bit restraining especially when she wants to do something other than be inside or on Campus.


“The usual things that I do break the monotony of either going to the grocery, my biweekly manicure and pedicure, ordering in food or a trip to MacDonald’s’ are all on hold as there are bigger issues.  From Monday 10th February, we have been teaching online. It is great to see my students”



Krissy has the most confidence in China containing the COVID-19 epidemic as this is not the first time that the government had to deal with a large scale viral outbreak in China. 


“They have implemented a number of policies, not only health related but policies that regard finances, education and foreign.  The quick construction ethics that is synonymous with China is something that continues marvel me about this country, those two hospitals added the much-needed continued medical care in Wuhan and Hubei province. “


When things settle Krissy is definitely not going to remain inside!


“I have already booked a vacation to lay in the sun by the seaside. But just getting back into my routine of work and the fun side of Suzhou by seeing the people outside once again, deliveries.”


“Even persons who are thinking about returning, be respectful of the new rules of wearing a mask and self-quarantine as not only to protect yourself but others. Please be mindful not everything is back in full swing that some self-sacrifice is still needed. Jiayou Wuhan! Jiayou Suzhou! Jiayou China! “



 Mathieu Demot

A mobile phone, a computer,

Maybe these two things have become

the standard match for most office workers at home recently.

Video conference, teleconference......

Mat from France is used to working at home.





"So far I have been concerned by but not really afraid of this virus. I have been working at home since the beginning of the outbreak. There have been so many changes and issues to face and deal with that I have had no choice but to work many long and late hours. I guess many people found themselves in a similar situation and will probably feel the same as I do. "


Mat has been in Suzhou for 12 years,

Now he has his own family and a pair of children in Suzhou,

They live happily in downtown.




Mat and his family didn't order any takeaway

or eat out since the outbreak,

He was impressed by online shopping.




"I buy almost all my groceries online these days. It's really a good thing that China has such a developed and efficient logistic chain. In Europe, that would be a lot more difficult to do, even for someone living downtown. "


When Mat thought of his friends, who work on the front-line, he was filled with gratitude and said: “I don't think people have the right to complain about being bored at home. When I see all of my doctor friends who help people and all the risks they take because, more often than not, they don't have access to all the protective gear and equipment they need, then I believe people who feel bored should enjoy their boredom and feel very fortunate they can keep at bay from all this instead. ”


He said with confidence:" I believe the government does all it can to stop the virus from spreading and to protect people.  What I have seen being done in China; I believe no other government would have done it as effectively. I have also noticed that in Suzhou, a lot of people followed instructions to the letter. "


Thanks to all the foreign teachers who support and encourage China and Wuhan.

Everything will get better soon.

