
学思践悟、知行合一 | 北美教师培训系列报道(六)

2017-12-15 本站 3872




        2017年12月9日-10日,我校教师Melody、Uger和Jo参加了在中国深圳举办的“College Board AP教师培训”。











The AP World History training course was excellent. Trainer Mike Burns provided a ton of resources, helped with pacing guides, gave recommendations on how best to teach ESL students, and the brainstorming section with the other teachers in training benefitted everyone, I believe. The exam practice and exam marking sections were fundamental for new AP teachers.    

Overall, it was a great experience. I will probably pay out of pocket for the next training course. I’m interested in teaching the AP US History course as well as the AP World History course in SNA next year – of course if the opportunity permits.






This past weekend 2017 Winter AP Workshop in China from December 9th to 10th in Shenzhen has been nothing short of insightful and was full of useful information. I feel grateful for the opportunity for continuous learning, and to Dr. Alison Schleede and SNA in supporting and recommending me to attend this (especially Ms. Carolyn Gao and Ms. Carrie Lu in the logistics of ensuring our travel arrangements and registration for the workshop).

I partook in the AP English Language and Composition workshop, and the instructor was Rebecca McFarlan – with 35+ years of experience of teaching the AP English Language and Literature courses in the United States of America. The knowledge, methods in pedagogy, as well as experience shared from her were very informative and helpful. The other teachers attending the workshop, along with myself, got to experience how it was like to be a student, as well as a teacher, from the different perspectives she showed us in group demonstrations. More importantly, the AP English exam structure was broken down for us, and sample questions and student essays were shown and explained, so we as teachers can really have a more insightful understanding at the high level of reading and writing that is demonstrated by the students who take AP English.

One other thing I took away from this workshop is the strict requirement for students who take AP courses to be highly proficient in English. We were told by our instructor, Rebecca McFarlan, that AP English courses are much more difficult than the SATs exam, because in AP English exams, it is more than just reading comprehension – one must also be able to infer, and understand the connotations and sometimes the cultural nuances of literature histories, backgrounds and contexts, and demonstrating critical thinking and analysis in clear and succinct writing.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend AP English Language and Composition workshop in Shenzhen. I am thankful to be able to attend it and look forward to further enhance my own professional development through longer workshops and courses. I am looking forward to implementing the skills and strategies I learned already in my English Honors classes currently, and as well as teaching this to eager learners who would like to take something very challenging but at the same time rewarding such as the course of AP English Language and Composition. 


        我参加的AP英语语言表达和写作培训,讲师是一个在美国有着35年AP英语语言与文学教学经验的老师,名叫Rebecca McFarlan。她所讲述的知识点、教学方法以及经验分享都非常翔实且颇有助益。她从案例出发,以团体的形式共同从不同角度体验了这些知识点和教学方法是如何作用于学生和教师的。更重要的是,她把AP英语考试结构分解成各个部分,加上例题和学生作文,都详尽的展示和讲解给我们。这样我们作为教师,在学生学习的AP英语更高层次的阅读和写作知识点上,能真正的有更好更深层次的理解。

        此次培训另一个收获就是想要学生能够精通英语就必须对其严格要求。Rebecca McFarlan老师说, AP英语课程比SAT考试要难很多, 在AP英语考试中不仅有阅读理解,还需要有能力去理解内涵、了解历史背景、知晓文化差异、结合上下文以及展示批判性思维、理性分析和精炼的写作。

