

2016-11-22 本站 3861







▲指导教师:Steven  and  Tracy

  PBI (Project Based Inquiry) is a great problem that allows our students to collaborate with students from Wake STEM school is the United States. The students do action based research and compare and contrast the results found in China and the US.  They work together to prepare a product that is presented to an audience in both countries.  Our students learn how to conduct research based on credible sources and how to reference those sources in the documentation.   They also receive feedback from coaches(teachers) at SNA and from the US to help improve their skills.  I think it is a valuable learning experience for our students.BY Steven

  PBI, or Project Based Inquiry, is a collaboration project between a class of students in Suzhou, China and a class in North Carolina from the Wake STEM school. Together the students did action based research on the topic of “being a humanitarian”. Both in Suzhou and in North Carolina the students went out into the community to examine how the issue looks in their area and how they could make a difference. Together, the students then compared and contrasted the differences between what they found in China and in the United States. Using that research, they created a piktochart and a 90 second movie trailer to present their research to an audience and to encourage people to get involved in their own communities. 

The students at SNA hugely benefitted from the project. They learned to conduct research based off of credible sources  and how to reference those sources in the correct format. They also received feedback from their coaches (teachers) and even got advice from professionals in their field of research.  

  Because of the time difference between America and China, the  students did a lot of their collaboration on their own time. They were willing to work in the evenings and give up their time for this project. In just two months’ time the students became friends with their partners across the world and learned how to work together to create an inspiring and informational project. The students enjoyed the project and were very happy with the concluding showcase.BY Tracy
