

2020-03-25 本站 4489




  3月24日下午三点,我校领导来到了外教公寓,将《习近平谈治国理政》英文版赠与每一位外教,并分别与学术支持中心Jonathan Cross老师、经济学Vincent Roy老师,以及外教管理Mathieu Demot老师进行了交流,外教们也纷纷表达了自己在这次疫情下的所见所想。

陆雨晴主任向Jonathan Cross赠书

王亚文主任向Vincent Roy赠书

Mathieu Demot在学习书中思想





Preserve Your Aspirations, Carry on with Your Mission

With the efforts of countless medical staff and the help of people from all walks of life in the international community, the Chinese people throughout the country proactively answered the call of the State to join and support the fight against the novel coronavirus COVID-19. After more than two months of relentless efforts, the novel coronavirus has finally been contained and the number of new patients in multiple regions has fallen to zero.

On this warm spring day, as a way to celebrate flowers blossoming, Suzhou North America High School set out to “convey the message of China", and offered the second volume of the English edition of Xi Jinping's “The Governance of China" to all foreign teachers currently on campus.

The book renders the vision of China and its people perfectly, and by organizing this activity, SNA wishes to give its foreign staff a deeper and better insight and understanding of the country they work in and the people they live with.

On March 24th, at 15:00, the leaders of our school went to the foreign faculty's residential building and offered each of them a copy of "The Governance of China" by Xi Jinping.  Jonathan Cross, from the Academic Support Centre, Vincent Roy who teaches economics, as well as Mathieu Demot who serves as Foreign Staff Manager, had a genial discussion and shared their views on the current situation.

Jonathan said: “I can’t imagine anywhere else doing much better really at implementing all these containment measures. They were able to get so many things to shut down to try to stop the virus spreading, putting people before the economy. I think like most people around the world; I’m pretty impressed at the speed of those hospitals being built so quickly!”

While Jonathan praised the "reactivity of China," other foreign teachers were distressed by the fact that containing the virus and bringing it under control, has left numerous Chinese healthcare workers exhausted and scarred. However, and despite this ordeal, China has not hesitated to lend a helping hand to the world and fulfil its role as a "key nation".

Preserve your aspirations, carry on with your mission. Geng Shuang, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, once said, " You gave me a peach, and I will return precious jade as a token of our friendship ", which exemplifies the traditional quality of the Chinese nation. As its domestic situation steadily improves, China has begun to provide assistance to countries that urgently need funding. China believes that only with a joint and concerted effort coming from all of us, will the global pandemic eventually be subdued and defeated.

May the world be well!
